In September 2019, on the outskirts of Dar es Salaam, we opened a children's home for up to 12 children with disabilities, where they receive the best possible support and, above all, love.

Mittlerweile ist unser Haus gefüllt mit 12mal Kinderlachen. Unsere schwerst mehrfachbehinderten Kinder im Alter von 2 bis 11 Jahren werden den Rest ihres Lebens bei uns verbringen.

We built the house according to the special needs of children with disabilities with lots of greenery around us so that they feel as comfortable as possible. We have many activation opportunities, whether it be our sensory room, trampoline, swing or swimming pool. We try to offer the children as much variety as possible and support them in the best possible way with physiotherapy and a lot of special equipment such as wheelchairs, standing boards and walking aids.

For the children's home we employ eight local employees who take care of the children and the property.
